Column: The Kitchen Debate Revisited

In the summer of 1959 then-Vice President Richard Nixon flew to Moscow to speak at the opening of the American National Exhibition. The exhibit was intended to showcase the advantages of American capitalism to the Soviets. Nixon and Soviet Premier ­Nikita Khrushchev, accompanied by an army of reporters, toured the life-sized model of the “typical… Continue reading

Column: A Review: RNC v. DNC

The RNC was a post-Apocalyptic dystopia of what the world could be if Republicans were completely in charge: Scared (mostly) white people in a militarized labyrinth of blockades in strategic dead ends ” all for your protection. Attendees endured security checks inside secured perimeters within partitioned areas. “Small government” police brigades were in roving gangs… Continue reading

Column: The Tale of Two Political Tales

Last Friday I went to the Broadway revival of the 1960 Tony Award-nominated play written by the late Gore Vidal, “The Best Man.” John Larroquette plays Secretary William Russell, the womanizing candidate in a sham marriage who’s the more scrupulous of the two politicians vying for the presidential nomination in this imagined 1960 convention in… Continue reading

Column: I Owe Mitt an Apology

Presumptive nominee Mitt Romney is seemingly fixated on apologies. He’s obsessed with apologies like Bristol Palin is obsessed with teen abstinence””like BP is obsessed with clean energy””Marcus Bachmann with curing homosexual men … Mitt’s book is titled No Apology. He’s convinced the problem with Obama is that he apologizes for America. Because Mitt is so… Continue reading