Column: Gays, In Fact, Saved Marriage

When it comes to marriage, I’m no romantic. (Just ask my husband.) My generation of women doesn’t have to be married. Our mothers fought for this choice. In the 19th century doctors would prescribe different (think more painful and degrading) treatment for unmarried women with the same illnesses as their married counterparts. The laws were… Continue reading

Column: Reclaim Obamacare, Republicans!

“If elected, I will repeal Obamacare on day one,” promised the grandfather of Obamacare, Mitt Romney. Of course, he wasn’t elected. There will be no Day One for Romney; no un-signing spectacle moments after a decaffeinated virgin daiquiri Inauguration. Romney lost the election. He only got (appropriately, and ominously) 47 percent of the popular vote… Continue reading